7 Myths About Infertility

Infertility is stressful journey on its own but having misconceptions and hearing myths can cause you more stress and anguish your mental health. It is very important to understand that infertility affects every individual differently and for this best fertility expert in Noida can help you but you need to have the right information and facts that will lead you to the right treatment plan.
Myth 1: Infertility is a female issue
By no means! Infertility is not only a female issue. Studies shown those couple who have treated for infertility conditions, half of related issue are with male infertility. Infertility affects men and women equally. Infertility issue in men can be caused by the quantity or quality of sperm. Infertility treatments are for both the woman and male patients. Each individual has their own sets of symptoms that may suggests infertility it may include testicle pain or having problem in period flow.
Myth 2: age doesn’t affect men’s fertility just women’s
The uncertainty of infertility treatments and the potential for repeated disappointments can lead to significant stress and anxiety. The constant cycle of hope and despair takes a toll on mental health.
3. Isolation and Loneliness:
One of the oldest myth about infertility is the thought that age only affects the women’s fertility. While statistics shows most women who are over 35 have a lower fertility rate but women are not the only ones affected by age. Men who are over 40 can have infertility issue due to age related conditions. After the age of 40, a man is likely to start experiencing decreases in motility and semen volume that can hinder the insemination process. Therefore, infertility can be linked to both men and women in their 20’s or 30’s.
Myth 3: after first baby, you’ll not have infertility
Women across the world will agree that this is a myth as many successful pregnancy for the first time but finding it difficult to conceive again. Study shows that approximately 30% of infertility happens after the first child. This means even if a couple already has a child or children they can face difficulty in second pregnancy later. This is usually caused by a medical condition such as blocked fallopian tubes, endometriosis, defective ovulation, or sperm production issue.
Myth 4: usage of birth control may result in infertility
Many of you get worried that using contraceptive pills may lead you to long term infertility. This is not correct. Many female infertility cases are diagnosed after they stopped birth control pills, people believed there is connection of infertility and contraceptive pills. Usage of birth control does not positively or negatively affect one’s ability to conceive. It typically takes few months to reverse your fertility once you discontinue your contraception. Infertility can be present during different stages of life.
Myth 5: you will never have a baby if you are infertile
Infertility is considered as an issue of lifetime, but all thanks to your advanced technology. Our technology came up with so many ways to get cured from infertility and have a full term pregnancy with a healthy baby. Infertile couple can conceive after some time once their reason for infertility is detected and properly dealt with.
Myth 6: Ejaculation means fertile
There is a myth that if a man is ejaculating he is fertile and the problem will definitely be in the female partner. Majority of men who are struggling male infertility are unknown normal erectile or ejaculation do not mean that you are fertile. Normally men ejaculate between 2-6 ml of semen at a time but when it comes to fertility it does not matter whether you are releasing more or less amount of semen what matter is the quality and quantity of semen.
Myth 7: young generation can’t be infertile
Yes! This is true that the older you are, the more infertile you get. Age is definitely a factor that affects your fertility but that is not the only thing. Young men and women can get infertile too. Many women are suffering from infertility who are above the age of 35 but that does not means the young women are not. Young women are also getting troubled because of infertility who are below 30.
Knowing the truth behind these myths are very important for everyone. Fertility is a complex topic, misconceptions and myths can lead you to unnecessary stress. Hope this will help you to whoosh some of your stress.