Use of third party for reproduction in the form of donor eggs, donor sperms or surrogates.
If a couple is having trouble in getting pregnant and has had several unsuccessful IVF
cycles, their doctor might recommend an IVF donor cycle. A donor cycle for IVF
involves either conception using donated eggs or donated sperm.
Donor Egg : There are 2 different ways in which a donor can provide her eggs for
fertilization purposes:
It entails injecting donor sperm into the uterus of the lady at the same time as she would ovulate normally without the need of any fertility medications. In this situation, the woman fallopian tubes must be open to allow the sperm to reach the egg
Using a procedure known as ICSI (intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection), one healthy
sperm is placed into each egg to fertilise it with donor sperm.
The best embryo that develops will be chosen for transfer. If there are additional healthy
embryos, you can freeze the extras to use in subsequent treatment sessions.
A wonderful option for people who don't have an uterus or who are not medically fit to
carry a baby.
Surrogacy is a gestational carrier arrangement in which a woman (the surrogate
mother) other than the prospective parents carries the pregnancy.
Age: The overall performance of surrogacy and the likelihood of pregnancy are both significantly impacted by age- both of the surrogate and the parents. The gestational carrier must be of young age and should have had a previous live and healthy baby. When it comes to the quality of the parents' eggs and sperms, age is also a crucial factor. The success percentage would be highest if the egg and sperm were both from young, healthy persons without a history of medical difficulties.
Finding the right match: You might only need to deal with a reproductive facility like
ReproArt that specializes in assisted reproductive assistance if you have already found
a surrogacy possibility. This is how a match operates:
The prospective surrogate mother is matched for certain physical characteristics and
checked for medical ailments. Once she is fit to carry the baby, consent and permission
from the Appropriate authority in India is required.
Fertilization and Embryo Transfer Process: In addition to receiving medicine to aid in egg development, the intended mother will also go through an egg retrieval operation. An embryo is then produced from the fertilized eggs in a lab and transferred into the surrogate. Prior to and during the embryo transfer, the surrogate will receive fertility therapies.
Use of third party for reproduction in the form of donor eggs, donor sperms or surrogates.