Blastocyst Culture
Culturing embroys to Day 5 stage to increase IVF sucess rates.
Blastocyst Culture:
A blastocyst is an embryo that has been cultured or grown from the Day 3 stage to Day 5. The development of an embryo continues to a blastocyst stage, which should be reached by day five.
Treatment process:
The embryologists will examine the embryos daily to count how many have divided and evaluate their quality. They will also tell the patient of any developments that call for their input. When embryos reach the blastocyst stage, they are graded using a three- character system that primarily considers the inner cell mass, the trophectoderm, and the embryo's size and degree of expansion. Only around 70% of human embryos that are cultured for IVF reach the blastocyst stage after five days. There may have been several fertilised eggs at first, but not all of them will grow into blastocysts or reach the four-cell stage on day two or the eight-cell stage on day three in culture.
Advantages of Blastocyst Culture:
The ideal incubator for human embryos is the human body, but if there are numerous
embryos available on day 3, we know that not all of them will live to reach five days
stage, whether they are in a lab or the womb. The risk of transferring an embryo on day
3 that would ordinarily die before day 5 is removed by keeping the embryos in the lab
for these two more days. As a result, it increases the likelihood that an embryo transfer
will result in a healthy pregnancy and delivery.
Whether to transfer an embryo on day 3 or day 5 will depend on the current situation.
With the patient, the embryologist will thoroughly go through this.

Blastocyst Culture
Culturing embroys to Day 5 stage to increase IVF sucess rates.